
 A Look Back at Summer and a Look Toward Fall

A Look Back at Summer and a Look Toward Fall

It’s hard to believe, but it’s true; we’re enjoying the last few weeks of summer. Where did it go?! Vermont’s days have been filled with plentiful rain and not enough sunshine.The weather made it hard to get the lawn mowed, mu…

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 Life Is As Peachy As You Make It!

Life Is As Peachy As You Make It!

If you had stopped by the Stave Puzzle shop a couple of weeks ago, you would have been met with the sweet aroma of perfectly ripe peaches. Pete and Gail of Newnan, GA., arranged for the delivery of these amaz…

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 Making Up for Lost Time

Making Up for Lost Time

Would you believe that most of the people in the photo above were complete strangers just a few days before this picture was taken? It’s the truth!Paula and I trekked down to San Antonio in mid-February…

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We're Bananas for Gorillas!

I received the most amazing gift for Christmas last year, the Oculus Quest Virtual Reality headset. I’m not a gamer but it’s for waaaayyy more than that. You can ‘hike’ in the Grand Canyon, ‘ride’ the world’s best roller coasters, and even ‘swim’ wit…

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 Love Makes The World Go 'Round

Love Makes The World Go 'Round

An English teacher once told me I work well under pressure. What a mistake that was! This newsletter was part of our latest mailer and on the day we printed that beauty, there I sat, typing away with a 5:30 pm deadline. I guess it’s a good thing I kn…

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 New Faces Around the Stave Shop

New Faces Around the Stave Shop

I’m sure you’re familiar with the African proverb that begins, “It takes a village...” Well, the same applies here at Stave Puzzles. We aren’t raising children, but it still takes each and every one of us to create the magic. From Susan, who procures…

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 The Pressure is ON

The Pressure is ON

  It really is. Seriously, you gotta do it now. No procrastinating. No waiting for a quiet afternoon. No twiddling your thumbs and no dilly-dallying. If you want to make someone’s holiday really, really special, then you must choose their puz…

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 A Little Puzzling Etiquette

A Little Puzzling Etiquette

Have you ever wished you could have a complete ‘do-over’? Well, that’s how I feel right now. I want to go back to last weekend when we hosted our annual puzzling weekend at The Point, in Saranac, NY. We spent the entire weekend surrounded by the beau…

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 Precious Moments

Precious Moments

Sometimes we need a little something to remind us of what’s really important in our lives. Is it having a spotless house or taking an amazing vacation? Losing the extra 10 pounds you’ve been hanging onto? As I sit in this awful hospital reclin…

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 That Old Puzzle Magic

That Old Puzzle Magic

Whenever I meet new people and they ask what I do for work I always get the “You do WHAT?” reaction. I get it. Have you ever heard a kid say they want to be a puzzle cutter when they grow up? Me either. I didn’t even know I wanted to be a puzzle cutt…

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 Feel The Magic

Feel The Magic

As puzzle crafters, there are times when we feel a special connection to the puzzles we are cutting. We may be drawn to the subject matter, the colors in the image, or maybe it’s the custom silhouettes you’ve asked to have cut into it. No matter the …

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