Venice Romance

Traditional Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

Love is in the air! Get ready to take a romantic journey through canals of Venice in this wooden jigsaw puzzle. Piece by piece, you'll be transported on a peaceful gondola ride. Admire the stunning flowers and vines that drape gracefully from the windowsills of every building as you cruise down the canals. You'll see bridges crossing over the water and come across a cobblestone platform where another gondola is waiting with a lovely bouquet of flowers. If you look closely, you'll even catch a glimpse of couples having a romantic dinner inside a restaurant. This wooden puzzle is a perfect gift for your significant other, and it's sure to bring a smile to your face as you both work together to complete it.

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Made-To-Order: This wooden jigsaw puzzle needs to be handcrafted by a skilled Stave artisan. Made to order puzzles may take 3-6 weeks to ship.

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Artist: Robert Finale

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