September Lighthouse

Traditional Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

Set sail on an adventure with the September Lighthouse wooden jigsaw puzzle! This exquisite artwork portrays a stunning summer scene featuring a majestic lighthouse overlooking the azure sea with its radiant glow. To add to the beauty, we see a charming lady and her loyal furry companion, both taking in the gorgeous view. As we observe the sailboat gracefully making its way to the shore, we can't help but feel the fun and excitement of the summertime ahead. Don't forget the lush wildflowers blooming near the white picket fence - they add the perfect pop of color to this already breathtaking picture. Take your imagination to new heights, and feel nothing but happy vibes as you piece together September Lighthouse.

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Made-To-Order: This wooden jigsaw puzzle needs to be handcrafted by a skilled Stave artisan. Made to order puzzles may take 3-6 weeks to ship.

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Artist: Sally Caldwell Fisher

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