World Of The Sea Turtle

Traditional Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

Dive into the mesmerizing world of the sea turtle with this wooden jigsaw puzzle. Delight in the sheer beauty of a sea turtle resting on the ocean floor with its little ones in a vibrant ecosystem of shells, starfish, and a curious crab. But what really catches your eye is the intricate illustration featured on the turtle's shell. A beautiful coral reef teeming with aquatic life is captured in stunning detail, making you feel like you're gazing into a real underwater paradise. As you piece this puzzle together, you can't help but feel a sense of wonder for these incredible creatures and their remarkable habitat.

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Made-To-Order: This wooden jigsaw puzzle needs to be handcrafted by a skilled Stave artisan. Made to order puzzles may take 3-6 weeks to ship.

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Artist: Lewis Johnson

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