Pelican Lake

Traditional Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

The Pelican Lake wooden jigsaw puzzle captures the excitement of a family getting ready to embark on a boat ride on the serene waters of the lake. As the man and child unload the boat at the ramp, a lady and child wait patiently next to a bright yellow car, eager to jump aboard. As they prepare to set sail, a young boy stands on a nearby dock, mesmerized by a group of ducks swimming by. In the distance, a cozy cafe and used car dealership offer a perfect spot for visitors to grab a bite or enjoy the stunning view of the lake. This puzzle brings to life the joy and relaxation that families can experience on a peaceful weekend at Pelican Lake.

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Made-To-Order: This wooden jigsaw puzzle needs to be handcrafted by a skilled Stave artisan. Made to order puzzles may take 3-6 weeks to ship.

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Artist: Ken Zylla

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