Paisley Peacock

Traditional Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

Enter a world of majestic beauty when you piece together the Paisley Peacock wooden jigsaw puzzle. The intricate design captures the peacock fanning out its feathers, a bird widely known for its beauty and special power attributed to it by many cultures. White butterflies bring an added air of peace to the scene as they flutter by, saying hello to the peacock's grandeur. To match this symbolism of beauty, repeating Indian style designs are also present in the image, adding an extra gracefulness to what is already an incredibly beautiful image. The Paisley Peacock wooden jigsaw puzzle will bring a vibrant life and presence to any puzzle table.

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Made-To-Order: This wooden jigsaw puzzle needs to be handcrafted by a skilled Stave artisan. Made to order puzzles may take 3-6 weeks to ship.

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Artist: David Galchutt

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